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Going Paperless with Written Assignments

Whether you’re trying to be eco-friendly or not, going paperless (or using less paper in general) can benefit you in so many ways. You reduce your waste, you’re more organized (stacks of papers vs. an easily searchable database), and children these days are digital natives anyway. Also, students who trash their books don't have to keep turning in ripped/crumpled/stained pages or buy new books.

If you were trying to work toward a paperless classroom, the assignment structure below is a great option! You only need to buy one copy of each book you use (for say, theory assignments/workbooks), scan the pages, and have students complete and submit it online. No printing required! For those without tablets (such as phones/laptops where it’s not as easy to write directly onto a PDF), you can still print it for them/have them buy the book, then upload the completed assignments online. It’s still much less paper and less clutter for the both of you in the long run.

Assigning and submitting written assignments online

Step 1. Open the attached PDF/scan of the assignment.

Step 2. Download it and write on it in your favorite writing app.

Step 3. Then, reattach it back to the assignment and now it's there for you to see!

Use this as a way to give students feedback before the next lesson (to ensure their practice before the rest of the week goes smoothly) or as a way to catalogue completed assignments online (goodbye, stacks of papers!). As the world and the kids of newer generations are going digital, it comes naturally that assignments would too. Start saving paper, money, and time by making small changes (even the smallest changes like submitting online!) in your studio!

Better Practice makes it easy for students to mark on a file then send it straight back to you. Start modernizing with the easiest assignment platform out there.